miércoles, octubre 25, 2006

We don't want to forget the traditions

Darien - Bunde y Bullerengue
The Darién Gap is a large swath of undeveloped swampland and forest separating Panama and Colombia,The entire Darién Gap is largely under the control of three Colombian rebel groups. These include the United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia (AUC), a right-wing paramilitary group ; the National Liberation Army (ELN); and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC). The region is a mixture of conflict, poverty and music to survive.
This is a video about afro colombian traditions in one of the most pristines and isolated areas of the country.

BULLERENGUES are very popular in the State of Bolivar with its largely African tradition. Over the generations bullerengue became part of daily life and the celebrations. The Bullerengue
is a variant of the Cumbia,with agitated gestures, in which the women carry the compass with the palm of the hands.

BUNDE is one of the rythms of the Pacific Coast, of African origin. In the Andean folklor it is known as the “bunde tolimense”, like a mixture of rhythms (guabina, torbellino, bambuco)

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